Isn't it pretty?! I promise I will get them in the mail sometime this week...honest!! Here are some of the pics that didn't make the cut:
I have no idea what Charlotte was doing here, but I thought the picture was kind of funny!
This one is cute, but I wanted a picture of her full face. And look at those cute wittle, tootsie toes!
Ben decided to relax a bit in between shoots. Cause you know....looking cute is hard work!This one is cute, but I liked the full body shot one that I used for the card.Ricky looks like a deer caught in the head lights in this picture, lol.I was trying to get a picture of him looking at the ornament, but he couldn't resist looking at the camera, so that idea didn't work, lol.I liked Markie's look in the this picture, but it cut off the top of her head.Here's that toothless grin. It's inevitable for a youngester to loose their front teeth right around Christmas time, lol. It's only 1 right now though, so she might not have to sing that annoying song, lol.I don't know what was up with her hair in this one.
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